When taking a car in to an auto repair shop it is important to make sure that the person who checks your car in, clearly understands your concerns and complaints, and what you want to repair. Often times a repair shop will recommend the incorrect repair to a customer because they are looking at the wrong part of the car. If you tell the repair shop that you hear a clang, make sure that you explain when the noise occurs and not just what it sounds like. It is important to specify if it happen only at start up, or only during acceleration because this can prompt the mechanic to check different systems within the vehicle and will help them identify the exact cause of your concern. Misdiagnosis of a car is often the cause of poor communication between the customer and the front desk workers. After the rebuild shop has completed the initial diagnostic on your car they should give you a report which specifies which parts that they think need to be replaced. Now comes the second most important part of the repair. If you really want to save yourself time and money, you need to request that the service adviser or auto mechanic, who is working on your car, takes the time to physically show you the parts the parts that they think need to be switched. The service advisor or cartechnician should be able to give you complete explanation of why the parts that they recommend to be replaced will fix your car. Many customers just say yes to any auto mechanic recommended repair and this is a mistake for couple of reasons. First, it is your responsibility as a customer to make sure that your original concerns were correctly relayed to the automechanic who is working on your auto. During this inspection clarification, you will be able to make sure that your concerns were relayed to the technician who is doing the work, and that they have found the exact cause of your problem. The second reason it is important to go into the fix shop to get the examination report is because this is also where you will find out if the automobile technician who is doing the work is competent perform the repairs on your auto. Some would say that this is where you will catch a shady mechanic, but in my experience, most car mechanics are honest. The real problem is that all mechanics are not properly trained. The reason that the automotive repair industry gets such a bad rap is because an improperly trained automobile mechanic can often be confused with an untruthful mechanic because the net result is that you get something that you did not want and did not need. By showing the repair shop service advisor and the automechanic who is doing the work that you have a real and genuine interest in your vehicle, it will help them because they will know that their work may be checked. Giving them the understanding and impression that you expect a thorough repair will increase their level of responsibility and help you get the correct repair for your auto. For more info: auto repair san antonio car repair san antonio